BC nurses’ union
Critically short-staffed and facing increasing violence on the job, 82% of nurses say their mental health is suffering. They are struggling through a nightmare and if they don’t get help, you or your loved ones may not get care at a time when it’s needed most.
Role: Creative Director / Copywriter
Art Director: Adam Briggs / Agency: Wasserman
Fully integrated campaign
The campaign was rolled across a full spectrum of touch points. Targeted TSAs, billboards, and social all drove to the landing page. Our clear call to action implored our audience to contact their local MLA – thousands did, ultimately resulting in the government increasing wages and improving nursing contracts.
The following videos built on the awareness campaign and ran during National Nursing Week. We interviewed real nurses to explore the untold stories behind the mask. The protection of the nurse’s identities was of the utmost importance – their identities and voices were obscured to ensure they would not face job punishment by their employers.